Site Meter Elsie's Space: I first heard it the other day.
Location: New England, United States

Not much to tell.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I first heard it the other day.

A new catchphrase. THE new word. And it's been singing in my head ever since.

Not Fabulous

with an F-L-A-B.

It originated in response to Hollywood's finally catching up with average American flab. The examples given of "flabulous" were all leading men, some extraordinarily attractive to me. Evidently, women are not stuck on having their leading men all thin and buff. We appreciate them even when they're somewhat chubby. We don't relegate them to the discard pile, now we just call them flabulous!

So far, the report said, it doesn't work in reverse!!! Men don't seem equally willing to accept the flabulous women out there. That's where I come in. Being fairly flabulous, I feel it incumbent upon myself to spread the good word. I think it's the best word I've heard in ages, and I'd like to see it go mainstream. Most of my friends are pretty flabulous (we're all at that age), and the few I've talked to are eagerly embracing THE new word. Now I share it with you.

Flabulous. Spread the word.


Blogger Peter (the other) said...

As one who plans to lose all the weight I have gained in the last thirty years, just as slowly, across the next thirty years. I am not ready for flabulicious. Besides, with the retirement plan I signed up for, I'm going to die broke and skinny.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Hi Elsie,
Flabulous is a great word. Very descriptive of, well, me, I'd like to think, and several people I know. Including husband!

3:44 AM  
Blogger Elsie said...

Hi Liz. Thanks for stopping by. Glad to have someone else join the flabulous club! I hope you'll pop in again.

7:24 AM  
Blogger Elsie said...

Peter, flabulicious -- I love your take on flabulous!! Sorry, but you're not flabby enough to qualify for either; you'll just have to remain fabulous.

I'm sure we must have the same retirement plans.

10:29 AM  

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